Monday, April 15, 2013

How to Organize a Beach/Pool Bag

You are going to want to hop over to my favorite blog A Bowl Full of Lemons today and check out this AWESOME post! Funny how someone can convince ME I need more of my own products!
And matchig glass H20 bottle to boot! I gotta get me one of those!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Celebrating Local Business Women!

I have to say... I LOVE MY J-O-B! I mean I REALLY LOOOOOOVE MY J-O-B! As a leader I am required to host a bi-monthly meeting which is open to my team or ANY Thirty-one consultant in my local area to attend. We call these "Celebrate and Connect" meetings. Our Home Office does all the work and sends me a "Meeting Kit" complete with an agenda, training, videos, hand-outs AND a FREE GIFT to everyone who attends. Not to mention they send me an XTRA SPECIAL GIFT for hosting the meeting, which is super cool! We get to share ideas, be motivated and inspired by each others stories and accomplishments. Here are the fabulous ladies I got to spend my "biz meeting" with!

 This is Kim and Pam, 31 sisters I was excited to meet tonight!
This is Shelley and I met her at the first meeting I hosted after I moved to Selinsgrove!
 This is Brittany, she is the receptionist at my husbands business!
 This is Kate, she is joining my team tomorrow and gets the awesome tote on her arm!

 This is Kristy, her biz will be 1mo. old tomorrow and she was both Top Sales and Top Party for April!
This is Pam, Michele & Tricia they are a team and their enthusiasm is contagious!

This is the ($35) gift from Home Office that consultants who registered for the meeting got to take home... along with a pack of 25 Summer catalogs and 40 Summer mini catalogs.... we are SO SPOILED!!!

As a leader, I also got the ENTIRE 13-piece summer starter kit (pictured below) as a gift from Home Office.... SUPER SPOILED!!!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Leave your online cart full but never check out and get FREE stuff!

I once read a tip that if you are online shopping to leave your shopping cart and you will most likely get an email from the retailer with a coupon to get you to "come back to their store". I never tried it but it works! I got an email that books were on sale (I looooove buying motivational books that I don't have the time to read but have in my library should the day arrive I do) so I jumped on it. I thought I checked out, never got a confirmation and then I got this lovely email...

so back to my cart I go and sure enough it's all in there and now it's $10 cheaper!!! Most of my mistakes COST me money but this one saved me some! Good to know it does work to abandon your shopping cart!